Monday, April 7, 2008

The Prime Minister Speaks (PMS)

The Prime Minister Speaks. Finally.

It was a rare PMS occasion where Pak Lah came forth after the UMNO meeting slamming his critics and nemeses. As reported in NST on (April 7, 2008), Pak Lah speaks:

On Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

"In 2004, when we won, he said we were too powerful and this was not proper, and that we should have some opposition. When the opposition gained ground, we thought he was going to celebrate but, instead, he hit out at us.... He says there is no freedom but calls me soft. Are they afraid of this softie?

On Tengku Razaleign Hamzah

"Ku Li needs to look at himself. He was the reason (in 1990, through Semangat 46) why we lost and Kelantan fell to Pass.... While Pas controlled Kelantan, did he try to return it to BN? That failed too."

On Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

"He considers himself the leader-in-waiting... Let him wait. I am the prime minister now... He will say anything and do whatever is necessary, but it is a form of bribery if the transaction (of trying to engineer defections) involves money."

To me, all these are coming in a little too late. These things are not new and should be mentioned, if deemed important and requires necessary address, during Pak Lah's first term.

Blogger AC_Here talks about the 'unspoken'. But Lim Kit Siang notes the key point underlying the shoot-out session, and that is, a successor was named.


Anonymous said...

Politics is an art of impossible. To me, all the politician is the same.Just do whatever you can to serve the rakyat sahaja. Faham tak ?

Anonymous said...

Throwing dirty laundry out in public kah? Look at Datuk Lee Kah Choon case, chosen to lead because of ability not politically party. BN please grow up or else.....

Anonymous said...

PM.. please speak to bring back confident to the share market :)