Monday, March 31, 2008

Elizabeth W'r'ong on Bukit Gasing

It's shocking how politicians make claims without first checking their facts. Or perhaps, they do know their facts but choose to twist the information for whatever the reason?

According to an article in The Sun dated 28 March 2008 titled "Clearing work begins on Gasing hillslope", Bukit Lanjan Assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong who lives in the area, said that "there is now a significant clearing in the area on the Kuala Lumpur side of Bukit Gasing. They just started. I don't know how many trees have been chopped down, but the point is that they should not even be touching it."

According to The Star that also featured an article on this issue on the same day, residents of Bukit Gasing received letters from the developer. Elizabeth, who lives in the Bukit Gasing area must also have received this letter:

A Community Relations Initiative

Greetings from Gasing Meridian Sdn Bhd! We are the developer of Sanctuary Ridge Kuala Lumpur City, a low-density, luxury residential development in Kuala Lumpur.

As development will shortly commence and as part of our program, clear and informative postings will be issued to keep you informed of our progress from time to time.

Sanctuary Ridge Kuala Lumpur City Website

Firstly, we are delighted to inform you that this website is the best source of up-to-date information on our development. If you haven’t done so already, do take some time to read more about current and future launches, details of the development such as the location, home designs, and other exciting features in the section called ‘The Development.’ Should you need someone to attend to you personally, please call any of our sales consultants in ‘Contact Us,’ and they will respond to you promptly. The ‘Community Relations’ section addresses the information needs of neighboring communities and other communities at large. In here, the ‘FAQ’ section provides answers to questions on safety, environment, approvals, and other areas of note and interest.

Erection of Site Hoarding

Secondly, you may be interested to know that we will commence hoarding at the perimeters of the Sanctuary Ridge Kuala Lumpur site over the next several weeks. The hoarding is being erected pursuant to approvals dated 2 October 2007 (ref no.(185) dlm.DBKL.JPRB.5114/77PT.1) and 16 November 2007 (ref no.BGN BS S1 2007 SEM 6).

Public Safety Announcement

Hoarding is a barrier which is required before the start of any work involving construction, alteration, repair or demolition of buildings. For safety reasons, we strongly advise that the general public refrain from any movement into the construction site. If you have children and/or pets, please keep them away (from the construction site) at all times.

Sustainable Hoarding Method

Shrubs will be cleared to make way for the perimeter fencing. To reduce the need to fell trees, we will hoard around trees that fall on the pathway of the perimeter. This will increase the time and effort needed to complete the entire hoarding process. However, as responsible developers, we feel that this effort is necessary to reduce unnecessary felling.

Sanctuary Ridge Kuala Lumpur City is a high quality, low-density residential enclave that will be the catalyst to transform and enhance the Bukit Gasing area. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to practice sustainable and responsible development for this positive transformation.

Thank you.
K. C. Tan
General Manager


Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that politicians, be they young or old, veteran or greenhorn, are all the same. It's even sadder that the journalists don't even bother to check whether assertions being made are actually factual!

Anonymous said...

Umm, haro? what does she mean "just started". The PM himself launched the Pantai Sentral Park project, like in 2007!

Anonymous said...

Politicians don't read hard copy any more these days. They are all into blogging nowadays. No point sending her letters!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth , your duty is to serve the rakyat, be it residents , developers or the local council, your comment must be fair. I suggest you get your fact first before you comment

Anonymous said...

Yeh get your facts correct before you comment

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is wrong on Bukit Gasing.
She is a populist - to garner support from the residents to further her political ambition without checking her facts.

Anonymous said...

Aiyoh..this how to win vote lah! FREE PUBLICITY!!!

Anonymous said...

Look like Ms W'r'ong are wrong...want to be hero but she know zero!