Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Hypocrites

In my humble opinion, I think lawyers representing residents of developments should not be talking to the press and having their name, face and expertise advertised in the media - print, electronic, and online. Who do they think they are? Politicians?

The International Code of Ethics for lawyers states that:

A lawyer should not advertise or solicit business except to the extent and in the manner permitted by the rules of the jurisdiction to which that lawyer is subject. A lawyer should not advertise or solicit business in any country in which such advertising or soliciting is prohibited.

It is difficult enough for seasoned laywers to rebut a conniving lawyer in court. Set a lawyer loose amongst laymen and the legally-ignorant journalists, and you get the media spinning headlines earning public emphaty.

What more, campaigning (public gatherings disguised as 'Family Day'), granting press interviews (there is always the option to decline) before, during and after court hearings.

Why not choose a lower profile case? Certainly there are many more resident-worthy cases. I certainly do not know if, other than mandatory fees, personal legal fees apply. If not, then what other motive? Career advancement? Love of the limelight?

For developments that are located in private land, and have gone through proper technical appraisal, surely the lawyers must know that it is a losing battle right from the start.

And yet, such lawyers play to the residents' sentiments, allow funds and false hopes to be raised. Such funds can be better used to build retaining walls to prevent landslides, or even to buy back the land from the landowner.

You, my learned friend, betray your profession and worst of all, the naive residents.

At the face of it, you are the hero and champion of the residents. But really, you are just another low-down hypocrite.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Prime Minister Speaks (PMS)

The Prime Minister Speaks. Finally.

It was a rare PMS occasion where Pak Lah came forth after the UMNO meeting slamming his critics and nemeses. As reported in NST on (April 7, 2008), Pak Lah speaks:

On Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

"In 2004, when we won, he said we were too powerful and this was not proper, and that we should have some opposition. When the opposition gained ground, we thought he was going to celebrate but, instead, he hit out at us.... He says there is no freedom but calls me soft. Are they afraid of this softie?

On Tengku Razaleign Hamzah

"Ku Li needs to look at himself. He was the reason (in 1990, through Semangat 46) why we lost and Kelantan fell to Pass.... While Pas controlled Kelantan, did he try to return it to BN? That failed too."

On Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

"He considers himself the leader-in-waiting... Let him wait. I am the prime minister now... He will say anything and do whatever is necessary, but it is a form of bribery if the transaction (of trying to engineer defections) involves money."

To me, all these are coming in a little too late. These things are not new and should be mentioned, if deemed important and requires necessary address, during Pak Lah's first term.

Blogger AC_Here talks about the 'unspoken'. But Lim Kit Siang notes the key point underlying the shoot-out session, and that is, a successor was named.

A Malaysian Godfather ... Out in Cinemas Soon!

"A Malaysian version of the highly acclaimed 'Godfather' is currently in the making and will be out in the cinema by end of the year," said local filmmaker who only wants to be known as 'Y'. While the film is in progress, she would like to remain anonymous for fear of getting shot before the film is completed.

The multi-award winning filmmaker said that the storyline is loosely based on the acquittal of former Sabah minister Datuk Conrad Mojuntin. She said that this story is entirely Made-In-Malaysia and she is sure that there would be no censorship issues. After all, it has already been widely reported in all the major dailies.

On April Fool’s Day, The Star published a report saying that Mojuntin, 61, has been acquitted of a charge of criminal intimidation in connection with the fatal shooting of a 20-year-old man, Anthony Chang Kim Fook, outside Penampang near here about three years ago.

Some believed that former Youth and Sports Minister of the state from 1982 till 1885 was innocent. After all, how could the 'champion' of Youths possibly had any reason to shoot a young man just past his teens? Surely he can't be such a hypocrite?

Well, with elements of mystery, murder, and gang fights, Y is certain that this movie would be an instant hit, especially for those in East Malaysia.

Movie Synopsis:
(Names have been changed to protect identities of individuals)

In 2005, the local newspapers reported the death of a Sabahan youth, who was found dead outside a library at the Penampang area (nearby Kota Kinabalu). The deceased was identified as Anson Chen Ah Fook, a fishmonger, and the third of seven siblings.

At least three versions of Anson’s death popped up in the local newspapers. Although there are variations, one common theme is found in all the stories that had arose in the days after his death - feud. It was believed that the young Sabahan was killed as a result of some “gang fight” which was said to be resolved, until news of Anson’s death proved otherwise.

A fight outside of a local pub in Penampang was the interlude before Anson’s sudden demise. El Macino, from an elite family among the Sabah community, was part of the scene outside the discotheque which turned him from a respected ex-politician to a man who could be a murderer of a local fishmonger.

Fast forward to April 2008, and Macino was finally acquitted, after a three-year court battle. The story ended, of course, with Macino, as the victor whereas for Anson’s side, therein lies the downside of the case which were grief and disappointment.

But which version of the story is really true? The flashbacks reveals startling insights into the underground world of East Malaysia and the gripping truth about issues of justice and safety in the Malaysian community.

According to Y, their designers are already working on the film's merchandise. She believes there would be high demand for their "Shoot and Run" T-shirts.